NURSES SOCIETY OF NEW ZEALAND Te Kāhui Tapuhi o Aotearoa statement on the latest call to have Destiny Church’s tax-exempt status revoked.
We believe that the Brian Tamaki-led organisation Destiny Church is actively engaging in hate speech and oppressive behaviour. Most recently by intimidating a group of children and a performer while protesting “Drag Storytime” and aggressively disrupting the peaceful “Pride Parade” that takes place annually in Auckland. For this reason, we are joining the latest call for Destiny Church’s tax-free status to be revoked and for them to be struck off the Charity Services Register.
If Destiny Church is going to continue to perpetrate a culture of homophobia and transphobia, then there is an obligation to treat them how they act, as a hate group.
We believe in a duty to protect marginalised groups in Aotearoa New Zealand. That includes allyship for our LGBTQI+ and takatāpui communities. In solidarity with our queer whānau, we are supporting the push to have Destiny Church’s tax-free status revoked.
We believe that Destiny Church and their leader are using their religious beliefs as a thin veil to mask their true intentions of perpetuating their hateful agenda. If Charity Services allows this organisation to retain its charitable, tax-free status, it is essentially validating their actions and giving consent for them to continue to intimidate and harass New Zealand citizens.
The Nurses Society of New Zealand calls for Destiny Church to have their tax-free status revoked and order them to pay taxes on their earnings. If this happens, then we will be satisfied in knowing that their taxes could potentially go towards publicly funded health for trans people, or towards housing the disadvantaged queer community, among other social programmes created to support our rainbow whānau. If they are forced to pay tax, their tax dollars could go towards supporting the very thing they seek to destroy, equity in Aotearoa New Zealand.
We do not expect Brian Tamaki and his followers to change. We do not expect them to accept that their actions are cruel and damaging. We do not even expect this hateful group to stop promoting their bigotry.
We do expect New Zealand to acknowledge them as an aggressive, fascist organisation that seeks to diminish the mana of the queer community in Aotearoa New Zealand.
o Outline: 0800 688 5463 free support from Aotearoa’s rainbow community 6pm–9pm weekdays.
o 737 Need to Talk?: Call or text 1737 for free support 24/7.
o Lifeline: 0800 543 354 or free text 4357 (HELP).
o Youthline: 0800 376 633 or free text 234.