The Nurses Society believes the budget is not good news for the health sector.  

At best it maintains status quo, but in reality it involves an overall funding cut.

The Nurses Society director says that the level of funding is less than required to meet normal cost pressures, let alone increasing needs.

"Indeed it looks like many parts of the health sector are receiving less in real terms."

The limited extra funding is less than the amount needed to maintain current service, let alone expand services.

On our calculations in per capita terms there is a real funding cut, at a time when there is a desperate need to boost funding.

Almost certainly the current funding will mean service cut backs and restrictions on staff numbers, when the opposite is needed.


The Nurses Society believes the budget is not good news for the health sector.  

At best it maintains status quo, but in reality it involves an overall funding cut.

The Nurses Society director says that the level of funding is less than required to meet normal cost pressures, let alone increasing needs.

"Indeed it looks like many parts of the health sector are receiving less in real terms."

The limited extra funding is less than the amount needed to maintain current service, let alone expand services.

On our calculations in per capita terms there is a real funding cut, at a time when there is a desperate need to boost funding.

Almost certainly the current funding will mean service cut backs and restrictions on staff numbers, when the opposite is needed.